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BlackBerry Curve 9315 Specification

Unknown on Saturday, 26 January 2013

BlackBerry Curve 9315 | Specification | RIM has introduced a line of smartphones back by giving the name of the BlackBerry Curve 9315 that has a low price. And it turns out the first BlackBerry smartphone at present by RIM in 2013 was not a series of BlackBerry 10, but comes with the OS first.
Smatrphone BlackBerry Curve 9315 Older operating systems are not a new version of the BB10 BlackBerry OS 7.1.

BlackBerry Curve 9315 who first present to fill in 2013. Curve 9315 also comes equipped with a screen size of 2:44 inches (320 x 240 pixels), 3.2 megapixel camera with LED flash, WiFi, GPS, 512MB RAM, 512MB internal memory, FM radio, optical trackpad, and battery capacity of 1.450mAh.
BlackBerry Curve 9315 available first in the United States starting on January 23, 2013 through operator T-Mobile. BlackBerry Curve 9315 will be priced at around U.S. $ 49.99.
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