Previous output will introduce the latest products of Samsung Galaxy S5. The device will be equipped with a 16MP camera. To make the picture better and more clear for those of you who like to take pictures wherever you are. Samsung will also use some of the new LED flash component designed to add to the device. One of them is the Galaxy S5 as the latest generation of smartphones. Samsung also launched several new components including two " reflector LED flash intregated ", flip chip flash, and two side view LEDs. This component is aimed at high-end devices and will offer a field of view of the camera which is more extensive and sophisticated.
With the addition of this new device, the Samsung Galaxy S5 in the estimate will dominate the world market. Because Samsung will soon produce new LED Flash to mass, so they have to start showing new products at this year. The addition of the new LED flash will take advantage of the new technology that is proprietary phosphor -film cell technology that uses a thin film on phosphorus in each packet instead of applying phosphorus on each chip. Samsung will increase the level of quality of the traditional color of the LED flash and always the latest innovations for the future.