ZTE introduces its newest variant, it's ZTE Redbull. ZTE Redbull has been supported by quad-core Snapdragon processor and is supported by 2400mAh battery. ZTE Redbull also packed with a good variety of specifications which are behind the camera resolution 13 megapixel Sony CMOS lens with F2.2 aperture plus a 5 megapixel front camera with lens wide angle.
Redbull ZTE comes with two versions based on the capacity of the internal memory and the RAM. For Youth version, Redbull packed with 1GB of internal memory. As for the other versions, which come with treats Energy 8GB of internal memory and 2GB RAM. Interestingly, the memory capacity of the two versions above Redbull can still be expanded via a microSD card slot.
Redbull ZTE comes with two versions based on the capacity of the internal memory and the RAM. For Youth version, Redbull packed with 1GB of internal memory. As for the other versions, which come with treats Energy 8GB of internal memory and 2GB RAM. Interestingly, the memory capacity of the two versions above Redbull can still be expanded via a microSD card slot.